New Releases

A cracking couple of albums featuring pieces of my music have been released in the last month. The Afro Celt Sound System’s new album “Flight” was released on November 23rd and features a number of my tunes as well as collaborations with some incredible musicians from Celtic and African backgrounds.

Top Scottish folk band Breabach also have a new album out, entitled “The Frenzy of the Meeting”. I was delighted to be asked to write some Gaelic bàrdachd for Track No. 2 (“Knees-Up”) on this fantastic album. And it’s nice to help your wee sister out every now and then. Here are the words and a loose translation for anyone interested:

Thèid sinn thar a' chuain; thèid sinn thar na linne,

a' fàgail mar bu dual, do gach àite 's cinneadh.

'S fheudar dhuinn a bhith gun tàmh, 's fheudar falbh an rathaid;

beò an dòchas glan na fàire gus am bris an latha.

'S fheudar dhuinn a bhith gun tàmh, 's fheudar ceum a ghabhail;

's iomadh adhbhar, gnè 's gràdh a' tarraing air an ràmh. 

We'll go over the ocean; we'll go over the strait,

leaving as is hereditary to every place and tribe.

We must be without rest/must not dwell, the road must be taken,

living in the pure hope of the horizon, until the day breaks.

We must be without rest, a step must be taken,

many reasons, kind/types and loves, pulling on the oar.